Stuff-a-Bus 2024 is ON. We’re collecting food donations tomorrow! You can also find us on Venmo and PayPal &

We’re still at for those of you kicking it Old School. Please make a note on your donation as Stuff-a-Bus. 100% of the money we bring in will go to the Greece Ecumenical Food Shelf.

Food collections are being held at each of our schools this week. In addition to the items listed below, the Food Shelf is now taking donation of cat and dog food. Thank you for your support!

Stuff-a-Bus 2024 is ON. Find us on Venmo and PayPal! &

We’re still at for those of you kicking it Old School. Please make a note on your donation as Stuff-a-Bus. 100% of the money we bring in will go to the Greece Ecumenical Food Shelf.

Food collections are being held at each of our schools this week. In addition to the items listed below, the Food Shelf is now taking donation of cat and dog food. Thank you for your support!